Thursday 10 July 2014

Tips for Eating Healthy at an Italian Frankfort IL restaurant

Everyone enjoys going out for dinner, but this can be a big worry for those who are trying to watch what they eat. However, there are various ways you can enjoy a meal, while still being healthy. Simply by following a few helpful tips you can enjoy a delicious Italian meal, without feeling guilty.

Top tips for eating healthy while dining out in an Italian restaurant
There are many things you can do to eat healthier on a night out. So the next time you go to a Frankfort IL restaurant for a lovely Italian dinner, simply follow these tips to stay healthy.
Research: It is worth having a look at the menu beforehand to give you an idea of the food and drink options. This will ease the pressure when you are trying to quickly make a healthy food choice.

Any Suggestions? Don’t be afraid to ask the waiters for any suggestions. They may be able to point out their favorite low calorie options. Some restaurants offer whole wheat or whole grain pizza or pasta, so it’s worth asking.

Substitutions: Oftentimes we can get a little carried away with our side orders and get a big portion of fries. Try and substitute this with a healthier option, such as vegetables or a side salad.

Portion control: One of the main things that will make dining out less healthy is the fact that they tend to serve very large portions. Try and limit your portions by sharing with a friend or asking to take home any leftovers.

Dressing on the side: Frankfort IL restaurant tend to offer delicious salad options, such as tomato and mozzarella. If you are ordering a salad, be sure to ask for the dressing on the side and only use a little or avoid the dressing altogether.

So remember, the next time you are invited out to dinner, simply use these tips to make healthy food choices. This way you can enjoy a lovely dinner without needing to worry about the consequences.